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Professor Du Hui Back from University of Cambridge

发布时间: 2017-09-25      访问次数: 88

     Professor Du Hui, Deputy Dean of College of International Languages and Cultures, was invited as a senior visiting scholar to study “sociocultural theory in language teaching” at Department of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics, Cambridge England from Mar. 1st to Aug. 31st, 2017. During his visit, Prof. Du made two academic speeches which were highly praised and well-received by his international counterparts. One speech is titled “Teacher talk as ‘edging input’: A perspective of sociocultural theory” delivered at the Research Center for Applied Linguistics at University of Warwick on May 10th, while the other titled “What is language teaching” was delivered at the Linguistics Center, Cambridge on Aug.17th. Prof. Du came back to HHU on Sept. 1st. (Luo Rongrong)